
Earl Sweatshirt "Doris" Interview At New York's A1 Record Shop [YouTube Video]

Published August 13, 2013

Rap Radar's Elliot Wilson recently met up with Earl Sweatshirt in New York. While going through vinyl at A1 Record Shop, the two discuss one record in particular: Sweatshirt's studio debut Doris, dropping a week from today.

Since many can't determine what Doris will sound like based on the past few singles released, Earl tells Wilson that the sound he likes "naturally, is more like sludgy stuff, that's very "imperfect" and "distorted." He also touches on his collaboration with the Wu-Tang Clan's RZA, who will appear on Doris. Earl commented that RZA "played some shit that was just like ... whatever. Then he played this one sample that we ended up using for a song, and it was just like 'Oh my God!'... like it actually sounded like some Raekwon shit. I was like 'Oohh...'"

Check it out above and enjoy! Doris comes out August 20th. Preorder on iTunes by clicking on the album cover below.


Earl Sweatshirt
Hip Hop West Coast Rap
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