
"Thunderstruck" - Steve 'N' Seagulls (Bluegrass AC/DC Cover) [YouTube Official Music Video]

Evan Petersen

by Evan Petersen

Published August 6, 2014

When one thinks of Finland, it's doubtful that the first things that come to mind are hillbillies. The likelihood that you'll think of hillbillies with incredible musical talent is even slimmer. It would be relatively impossible that you'd think of a group of Finnish rednecks playing an incredible cover of AC/DC's "Thunderstruck." But here we are.

Steve 'N' Seagulls are a massively talented Finnish band who have been getting some pretty serious internet attention for their bluegrass covers of metal songs. On "Thunderstruck," they go out to the barn and showcase their down-home musical virtuosity, decked out in overalls and at least one hat with a dead animal hanging from it. The banjo playing is solid, their harmonies are pitch-perfect, and they bust into some awesome Finnish folk music where Angus' solo should go. Watch the video above.

You can, and should, check out more of their music at their YouTube Channel.


Source: Steve Seagulls YouTube Channel

AC/DC Steve 'N' Seagulls
Americana Bluegrass Classic Rock Metal Pop Rock Rock
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