
"Teach: Music" - Reggie Watts [YouTube Video]

Zumic Staff

by Zumic Staff

Published February 25, 2014

Reggie Watts is the eccentric music teacher you wish you had. He delights in musical education, and like your eccentric music teacher, does very little to educate. Unlike Mrs. McCrane, however, Reggie Watts is hilarious.

In the above video, Reggie Watts explains the nature of drums to his students, flits about between students instructing them to spaz on or argue with their drums, and wraps class up with a song about vampires that's actually pretty solid. Watch above.

YouTube description:

Welcome to TEACH: MUSIC with Reggie Watts. In today's episode, Mr. Watts conducts a group therapy session through the power of percussion and conducts one of the stranger drum circles in history.

For more hilarity from Reggie Watts, check out his Zumic artist page.


Source: Reggie Watts YouTube Channel

Reggie Watts
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