
"Taxidermy Love" - Reggie Watts & Josh Homme [IFC YouTube Video]

Brad Bershad

by Brad Bershad

Published November 30, 2013

Reggie Watts and Josh Homme have brought music to a new level with their collaboration, "Taxidermy Love" for Comedy Bang Bang on the IFC Channel.

The track features a cowbell driven beat, with Reggie playing piano and Homme holding down the main vocal duties. These two gentlemen are among our absolute favorite artists, and we think they might be onto something with this concept of "Taxidermy Love." Killing something, stuffing it, and preserving it to be displayed in a momentary state of youth is a sick, sick way to show love... but I can think of a few people I'd like to do that to if I could.

Source: IFC YouTube Channel
Via: Stereogum


Reggie Watts
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