
"MMM Yeah" - Austin Mahone ft Pitbull [YouTube Official Music Video]

Brad Bershad

by Brad Bershad

Published March 13, 2014

Austin Mahone and Pitbull have released a new music video for their collaboration "MMM Yeah" featuring sexy women and a set that's basically a straight rip-off of Jamiroquai's iconic "Virtual Insanity" video from 1996. In their defense, at least they decided to rip off something that's really cool.

The song is straight up 2014 pop. Pitbull starts things off with his signature electronic latin rap. Then Austin Mahone comes in with his electronic pop hook "MMM Yeah" which is undeniably catchy. The dancing, lights, and women make the video exciting and the production value is absolutely top notch. Pitbull comes back toward the end of the video to lay down his unique flow. It's a dancey good time.

Mahone's debut album is due out later this year on Young Money Records.



Source: AustinMVEVO YouTube

Austin Mahone Pitbull
Electronic Latin Pop Pop Pop Hip Hop
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