
“Gov. Christie Traffic Jam” (“Born To Run” Parody) - Bruce Springsteen & Jimmy Fallon [YouTube Official Video]

Derek Kademian

by Derek Kademian

Published January 15, 2014

For the past week, New Jersey governor Chris Christie has been facing blowback for a traffic jam engineered by his staff as payback to the mayor of Fort Lee who didn't endorse the governor's reelection bid. Last night on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, New Jersey's folk rock hero Bruce Springsteen joined the host for an acoustic parody of the unofficial New Jersey anthem, Springsteen's "Born To Run," with the words changed around to lampoon the ridiculous political situation that Christie finds himself in the middle of right now.

One of the best parts about the performance is that Jimmy Fallon starts things off dressed in full early '80s Springsteen regalia - denim shirt with the sleeves cut off, red bandana around his head, and big glorious mop of Springsteen-esque hair. The Boss comes in and stares Fallon down a little bit, hardly able to keep a straight face, then the two lock into a fantastic performance. The final zinger may have stung the worst for Christie, who is a huge Springsteen fan: "Someday Governor, I don't know when, this will all end, but 'til then / you're killing the working man, who's stuck in the Gov. Chris Christie Fort Lee New Jersey Traffic Jam!"

Click here to watch Springsteen perform 3 songs with the E Street Band during the same episode, as well as his extended interview with Fallon.

For more Jimmy Fallon roasting Chris Christie, check out the video where he slow jams the news with Christie in person.


Source: Late Night With Jimmy Fallon Website

Bruce Springsteen Jimmy Fallon
Americana Classic Rock Film/TV Soundtrack Folk Rock Pop Rock
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