
Butcher Babies Ditch Nipple Tape, Explain Why

Evan Petersen

by Evan Petersen

Published July 26, 2013

In a recent interview with Artisan news, frontwomen Carla Harvey and Heidi Shepherd discussed why they decided to replace their longtime nipple tape look with a more traditional wardrobe.

"A lot of people ask why we stopped," Heidi said. "We got tired of it. We did it for about five or six years."

"[The] nipples were sore," Carla said. "We wanted to evolve. And like you said before about overshadowing the music, unfortunately, America is kind of… people are kind of closed-minded sometimes. We didn't want our look to hinder people going to buy the album, or going to hear our music. 'Cause we have a new album out, and it's pretty great. We want people to go buy it, so…"

Watch the full interview above and be sure to check out their new record Goliath. You can get it right here.


Butcher Babies
Metal Rock
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